All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhCustomhHandmade Damascus Steel ROD  All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhCustomhHandmade Damascus Steel ROD  Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhCustomhHandmade Damascus Steel ROD <bft<bft<bftDs="wt-text:<bft<bftYOU WILL GET PICTUREDhITEM<bft                                                                      <bft THIS BLADE IS HAND FORGEDhWITH 1095 AND 15N20 HIGH AND LOW CARBON STEELhWITH OVER 200+ LAYERS.<bft                                                      <bftFEATURES & MEASUREMENTS<bftType                                   =        ROD<bftOverall Length                 =        5 5.5" (Aptexx.),<bftBlade Thickness             =       25.5 mm  (Aptexx.),<bftUsage                                 =        Idealifor jewellery maktrs,phu-bers,iknifeilovers and knifeimaktrs etc.,<bftC1 ditext                          =         New,<bftNumber ofvakyers             =         256+<bftBlade Material                   =        Damascus steelv(1095 & 15N20),<bft <bftSHIPPINGh& HANDLINGh(S&H):<bftAll orders are s 27ped theisame tiy or withini1 business tiys of paymenovreceived. <bftWe dovnot earn moneyprovs 27ping & handling charges. S&H c versJourvcosts for s 27ping materials and postage. We also havepto pay ra eBay fees on S&H. We dovnot charge ourvlaborvcosts for preparing the s 27menos.<bft <bftFEEDBACKhPOLICY:<bftOurvacbaem isvin ssfault buy positext2which means whenhyou leave us a positeve 5 STAR feedback, ourvacbaem will autom/343allyileave you a positeve feedback withiniminutes.<bft <bftPHOTOS OF KNIFE / BLADE:<bft You will receive the similar2knifei/ blade which isvshow-2i- the photos inhds=ign, size etc. As they areHANDMADE so each blade will have DIFFERENT urehor lines inhDamascus Steel which makts it UNIQUE (onlyi1 e knifeiorvbladeii- the w old).oColor and style of the2leather s eath can be different too.<bft<bftDiseakimer<bftWe are not reepxtsible for any injuries k-woci/3ed withJthe usei f our tools. Ourvtext-cos are intended for legal usei nly by reepxtsible buyers. Therefore,vwehwill not sell ourvtext-cos to2any1 e under the age f 18. 2hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706522424305x0x50052518e522106276100508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhCustomhHandmade Damascus Steel ROD  All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhCustomhHandmade Damascus Steel ROD 
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