All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhStunning veryiheavy hand embroiderIdiDupatwa/saole i- gret-2& rustyiorange2c1lor. Therehis so much antique w ok d1 e in this one, it isvfully c vered withJg ldt-2zardozi w ok. Base fabric ishpure silk. Borders f dupatwa has floral ds=ign withJmaroon thread,Jg ldt-2zardozi w okvfurther beautify the ds=ign. Similar2zardozi w okvwithJfloral ds=ign in center part f dupatwa. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhStunning veryiheavy hand embroiderIdiDupatwa/saole i- gret-2& rustyiorange2c1lor. Therehis so much antique w ok d1 e in this one, it isvfully c vered withJg ldt-2zardozi w ok. Base fabric ishpure silk. Borders f dupatwa has floral ds=ign withJmaroon thread,Jg ldt-2zardozi w okvfurther beautify the ds=ign. Similar2zardozi w okvwithJfloral ds=ign in center part f dupatwa. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhStunning veryiheavy hand embroiderIdiDupatwa/saole i- gret-2& rustyiorange2c1lor. Therehis so much antique w ok d1 e in this one, it isvfully c vered withJg ldt-2zardozi w ok. Base fabric ishpure silk. Borders f dupatwa has floral ds=ign withJmaroon thread,Jg ldt-2zardozi w okvfurther beautify the ds=ign. Similar2zardozi w okvwithJfloral ds=ign in center part f dupatwa.<bftA veryitradi eroal dupatwaiwithJbeautiful2craftsmans buy 272which I am sure you will truly appreci/3e. <bftThe quality f zari w okvis amazing,iits a metallic zari. Some zari w okvgives an antique look2<bft<bftThese Itemshare pre-ownedpand well teestrved. They are thoroughly checked before senfing butithere 01uld be minor wear or tear in the fabric. While theseiare pre-washed, i- casehyou are buying this for persxtal wear,vwehadvise gettingian addi eroal dry-cleaningid1 e. Dry-cleanvis $3i ra and will take 3-4 tiys addi eroallyito s 27. If you are using this as a fabric for arpexjeco, no addi eroal care needed.<bfthhhh hhhTITLE::KK Heavy Dupatwa Pure ChiffrovSilkhHand EmbroiderIdiZardozi Saole<bft<bfthhhh hhhCOLOR::RustyiOrange2<bft<bfthhhh hhhFABRIC::100%vPure ChiffrovSilk<bft<bfthhhh hhhLENGTH::85 inches5215.90 cms/7.08 feet/2.36 yaofs/2.16 mewtrs<bft<bfthhhh hhhWIDTH::40 inches5101.60 cms/3.33 feet/1.11 yaofs/1.02 mewtrs<bft<bft<bfthhhh hhhEMBROIDERY::Zardozi W ok<bft<bfthhhh hhhTEXTURE::Soft<bft<bfthhhh hhhTRANSPARENCY::Sheer<bfthhhh hhh<bfthhhh hhhWEIGHT- 0.525 Kgs<bft<bfthhhh hhhP S --- ITEMhCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhh hhhITEMhCODE HD-5721<bfthhhh hhh<bft<bft*value item.<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPINGhPOLICY ***************************<bft<bftWthS 27 W oldwidIJun, 2INDIA<bft<bftWths 272yourvitems within 24 w oking hours f receiving confirmed paymenos.<bft<bftItemshare s 27ped via REGD. AIR MAIL (delivery in 2-4 weeks). Expedited s 27ping (delivery in 3-4 tiys) upgrade2avt cable for an addi eroal $5 per parcel subjecopto2a minimum f $15 s 27ping cost. Please ask me before paying to gethan upgrade.<bft<bftFor areombined parcel having more than 4vitems - I upgradeJthe parcel autom/343allyito expedited withoutiaddi eroal charges. Thishautom/343 expedited upgrade2applies onlyito s 27menosito US and Australia.<bft<bftUpgrade2ishalso2avt cable for lesser number ofvitems depenfing on ss=tina ero and item cost. Offer2not avt cable for trims and appliques.<bft<bftFor cou-bries other than US and Australia,pplease ask me for re706mended s 27ping o- eros.<bft<bftI-berna eroal buyers please note:<bft<bftImporo du ees,vtaxes,vand charges are not included in the item peice or postage2c1st. These charges are the buyer's reepxtsibility.oPlease 0heck withJyourvcou-bry'spcustomsvoffice to deoermine whaththese addi eroal costs will beipriorpto2bidfing or buying. Buyer will pay custom duty/tax.oIt isv3alcula ed and charged differently by everyvcou-bry. As a seller I dovnot havepany201 wrol ver it.<bft<bftVAT or sales taxhisv3alcula ed by the pl/3form aththe time f 0heckout. Customsvcharge ishpayable aththe time f delivery.' 2hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659832088x0x500805352043183215090508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhStunning veryiheavy hand embroiderIdiDupatwa/saole i- gret-2& rustyiorange2c1lor. Therehis so much antique w ok d1 e in this one, it isvfully c vered withJg ldt-2zardozi w ok. Base fabric ishpure silk. Borders f dupatwa has floral ds=ign withJmaroon thread,Jg ldt-2zardozi w okvfurther beautify the ds=ign. Similar2zardozi w okvwithJfloral ds=ign in center part f dupatwa. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhStunning veryiheavy hand embroiderIdiDupatwa/saole i- gret-2& rustyiorange2c1lor. Therehis so much antique w ok d1 e in this one, it isvfully c vered withJg ldt-2zardozi w ok. Base fabric ishpure silk. Borders f dupatwa has floral ds=ign withJmaroon thread,Jg ldt-2zardozi w okvfurther beautify the ds=ign. Similar2zardozi w okvwithJfloral ds=ign in center part f dupatwa.
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