All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovI Japanese Style Like We DoThis lisbing is for a lovIly free standing frame2made especially for mini sized Japanese shikishi board arb. Thephandmade frame isp01 str-coedJun, 2a light, smoked, buy Japanese sugipwoodvand it2has a gak-w cover. Thepback of2thepframe ispa2hard cardboard and pcli7 JoutJto2easilyhplace2thepshikishi in2thepframe case. Thepb1ttxm feet swivel around, sopwhen2thepframe ispnot in2use it 0an be packImpflat into2it’s sboragepbox. It has a nice old w old, rustic feel and looks goodvtogether with other vintagehand antique goods. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovI Japanese Style Like We DoThis lisbing is for a lovIly free standing frame2made especially for mini sized Japanese shikishi board arb. Thephandmade frame isp01 str-coedJun, 2a light, smoked, buy Japanese sugipwoodvand it2has a gak-w cover. Thepback of2thepframe ispa2hard cardboard and pcli7 JoutJto2easilyhplace2thepshikishi in2thepframe case. Thepb1ttxm feet swivel around, sopwhen2thepframe ispnot in2use it 0an be packImpflat into2it’s sboragepbox. It has a nice old w old, rustic feel and looks goodvtogether with other vintagehand antique goods. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovI Japanese Style Like We Do<bft<bftshikishi frame, free standing frame, shikishi board japanese frame, gak-w cover frame, table top frame<bft<bft(lisbing uor art board only)<bf><bf>This lisbing is for a lovIly free standing frame2made especially for mini sized Japanese shikishi board arb. Thephandmade frame isp01 str-coedJun, 2a light, smoked, buy Japanese sugipwoodvand it2has a gak-w cover. Thepback of2thepframe ispa2hard cardboard and pcli7 JoutJto2easilyhplace2thepshikishi in2thepframe case. Thepb1ttxm feet swivel around, sopwhen2thepframe ispnot in2use it 0an be packImpflat into2it’s sboragepbox. It has a nice old w old, rustic feel and looks goodvtogether with other vintagehand antique goods.<bft<bftOnce you have your frame you 0an change around your shikishi art board- to suit your moodvand thepseasxts. Please take a look at2some of2our lovIly shikishi paintings.<bft-Joutside of2frame2measuresingcm (8”) x 19cm (7.5”).<bft-Jweighsin40 gm.<bft<bftClickJthis linkhtohcheckJout other =hikishi framespand shikishi art board-: 0004/r/iwww/6aac27065sg-en/s op/JapanDownUnder?ref=s op_sugg§ext_id=26130116<bft<bftSHIPPING INFORMATION<bft-pplease read theps 27ping notIs it our sho7 announcemt-b.<bft<bftLINK TO OUR ETSY HOMEPAGE:<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065au/s op/JapanDownUnder?ref=search_s op_redirect<bft<bftSHIKISHI BOARDS<bftShikishi boards are madeJun, 2finephandmade washi paper laminated to a2hard board backeng. They arepedgedhwith a strip of2gold paper and are usedpfor sumi-e paintings,2haiku poems, ctlligraphyvand water01lorppaintings. There are alsopsilk scween and tei-bed shikishi too. Thepregular size measuresin42 mm (9.52”) x 272 mm (10.7”). La Ilyha mini size, measuring 120 mm (4.73”) x 135 mm (5.32”) has also bec06e popular. <bft<bftTraditextalrshikishi art ishbasedparound thepseasxts and seasxtal evt-bs. Paintings of2flowers, animals, fish, vegetables, luckypimages, evt-bs,2such as Hina Matsuri. boys day, bean2throwing dayvand New Year 0an be found. Japanese people roa/3eparound theppaintings to reflect thepseasxt, making a display to keep themselves it touchhwith the beautyhof na ure and yearly festivities, un, 2within2their own h06e.<bft<bftJapanese shikishi were traditextallypattached to a2hanging scwoll and displayed in2theptokonoma of2a formal Japanese a/3ami mat room. Re"t-bly people do not have aptokonoma sops06e lovIly framespfor =hikishi have bec06e available. They stillvgive you2thepo-text to change around your art according to2thepseasxts and also give you2thepfreed, 2to make a display it any room you2like.<bft<bftJAPANESE GANSAI WATERCOLORS<bftThep01lors of2traditextal Japanese gansai water01lors are differt-b un, 2those of2European2transpart-b water01lors. Japanese pai-bs are basedponp01lors that 0an actually be2seen in na ure,pwhich explains thepabundance of blues and gweens it gansai paintings. Thep01lors give apcalm and teaceful feeling to2thepviIwer because they arepnot overly satura Im. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706510535887/0x500cbe833/4075853454/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovI Japanese Style Like We DoThis lisbing is for a lovIly free standing frame2made especially for mini sized Japanese shikishi board arb. Thephandmade frame isp01 str-coedJun, 2a light, smoked, buy Japanese sugipwoodvand it2has a gak-w cover. Thepback of2thepframe ispa2hard cardboard and pcli7 JoutJto2easilyhplace2thepshikishi in2thepframe case. Thepb1ttxm feet swivel around, sopwhen2thepframe ispnot in2use it 0an be packImpflat into2it’s sboragepbox. It has a nice old w old, rustic feel and looks goodvtogether with other vintagehand antique goods. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovI Japanese Style Like We DoThis lisbing is for a lovIly free standing frame2made especially for mini sized Japanese shikishi board arb. Thephandmade frame isp01 str-coedJun, 2a light, smoked, buy Japanese sugipwoodvand it2has a gak-w cover. Thepback of2thepframe ispa2hard cardboard and pcli7 JoutJto2easilyhplace2thepshikishi in2thepframe case. Thepb1ttxm feet swivel around, sopwhen2thepframe ispnot in2use it 0an be packImpflat into2it’s sboragepbox. It has a nice old w old, rustic feel and looks goodvtogether with other vintagehand antique goods.
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