Ancient Greek Sacred Bee Artemis Goddess Medallion buy Coin Ring Bee ring, silver bee ring bumble bee, honey bee
In Ancient Greece The Queen Bee was a sacred symbol of the Goddess Artemis
As a.
In Ancient Greece, The Queen Bee was a sacred symbol of the Goddess Artemis.
As a symbol of the Mother Goddess, bees represent feminine support and fertility.
The bee is a emblem of Ephesus, a Greek city on the west coast of Turkey. This city was an important center of worship for the Greek goddess Artemis, and the images on Ephesian coinage typically promote this association. The buy bee was originally the symbol of an early Anatolian goddess who the Greeks later identified with their goddess, Artemis so close was the connection that the priestesses of the goddess were called “honey bees.” The two Greek letters, Ε (‘epsilon') and.