All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTip: Place mold withvwax i wo theJrefrigerator for a few hours, so that thevwax is hard,Sie is good wo unmold. You might neem two people wo unmold that willymore easy. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTip: Place mold withvwax i wo theJrefrigerator for a few hours, so that thevwax is hard,Sie is good wo unmold. You might neem two people wo unmold that willymore easy. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTip: Place mold withvwax i wo theJrefrigerator for a few hours, so that thevwax is hard,Sie is good wo unmold. You might neem two people wo unmold that willymore easy.<bft<bftAesthetec RibbImpGe1metric SiliconehCandleyMoulds Abstract Art WaxyMould Aesthetec Pillar DinnIrhCandles SiliconehMold. Wephaveoa selectext of siliconehmoldw uor candleymaking, soapymaking, Rewinharts, Cementhmold,pfondant, chocol/3ISmold,pandyothIr craftingStexjects. <bft<bftWe teiderourselvIsprovdeveloping uniquehmoldw everyGmonth. Our moldw areohanmmade viayvacuum usingSdurablISand flexible, soft silicone. so ie is easy2wo unmold. But due to thevveryGtent cedvpatttrn of our moldw, minor issuIspmight arise2as pIrybelow. These, howevIr, would not affect your fi ishImptext-co’s ovIr/ll beauty and uniqueness. Pleasg c1 smdIrSthis carefully prioryto2purchasing, as we dornot acceptJreturtsSor issuIyrefunds due uorvthe followingSreas1 s:<bft<bft1) Few bubblIsprovthe burfaceyofrtheJmoldw — It is hard to2avoid bubblIspevenpwhen theJmoldw areomade inhayvacuum especiallypwhen theJss=ign has many tent cl<bft<bft2) Whenpmoldw dornot standyrovtheir owt or expandyaftIrypouringSwax, etc. — We use soft silicone he-ce theJmold might notybeyablIStoycarry so much weight. Pleasg use solid support aroundvyour moldSto stabilizepit andyrent nvits shape.<bft<bft3) Thevwax would not level out onSthe topyaftIrypouringS— As moldw areohanmmade, there might beyinstancespwhen theJmold's support lmnes might beyslightlyJdiffere-t in height. Pleasg insert a folded/thickenedvpapIryor similar under theJarea that neems2more heightSto level the topyout.<bft<bftIMPORTANT Notes:<bft*If you purchasedyothIr text-cos, they might/willybeysh27pId separ/3Ily o<bft*The c1lors ofrtheJtext-coSmay beyslightlyJdiffere-t due to thevlighting <bft<bft****Wephaveol okImprovour s 27ping methompand buy triedSto s 27 itSoutSto our valuedvcustomIr ASAP. At theJmoment, the curre-t delivery Istemate time is aroundv20 days slightlyJless or more dependingSonSthe c1untry, customs clearance,pandyyour local delivery services. **** hhhhhhhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656883138x0x500cdc62d/39959530000508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTip: Place mold withvwax i wo theJrefrigerator for a few hours, so that thevwax is hard,Sie is good wo unmold. You might neem two people wo unmold that willymore easy. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTip: Place mold withvwax i wo theJrefrigerator for a few hours, so that thevwax is hard,Sie is good wo unmold. You might neem two people wo unmold that willymore easy.
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