All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 SmallSP/ir of Green Variscite Angel cabochons/ backImp/WendxverJWee Desert, Utah All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 SmallSP/ir of Green Variscite Angel cabochons/ backImp/WendxverJWee Desert, Utah Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 SmallSP/ir of Green Variscite Angel cabochons/ backImp/WendxverJWee Desert, Utah<bft<bft18mmhx 15mmhx 3mm<bft 14 carats (combinImpweight)<bft<bftTheseJangels cabochons arepof my wn design.TheyJarepwere handcut by 6t in2my lapidarypshopJun, 2Variscite.2Variscite ia buy aJminerilJknownhfor2it's wonderful shadeshof green andSisJminImpmainly un, 2Utah. It is someti6e Jmistaken for2turquoise but is in fact2an entirely diffsren3 mineril.2Variscite ia namedSaftsr the German district ofhVariscia,hwhere thishmineril was first founm. <bft<bftAllJmy cabochons arepbackImpin hard,hblack epoxy for2stabilityhand strength. <bft<bftIf you want to reques a custom ofsr, 0aick the "Reques Custom Oofsr" buttxtpabove and let meSknow wh/3 you want!<bft<bftCheck out the res of my store and like me rovFacebook!<bft<bftwww/facebook27065saiyostonear s/<bft<bftwww/pin3eres 27065saiyos/<bft<bftwww/instagram27065saiyostonejewelry/<bft<bftROCK FACTS:<bft<bftVARISCITE<bft<bftVariscite ia an opaque gemstoneJwithhin3eres ing 01lorhsplo chIs and veins. It is usuallyva light or2min3y-greenJwithhwhitish pate.rns. Almost allSVariscite gemstoneshorigitate un, 2Utah, andSfor2this son ie may also be called Utahlite.2In fact,vthe most important deposit of gemstone-grade Variscite is actuallyvcalled the Utahlite Deposit. </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065.778156/c/1n79/1015/1/65x50051abd8/856468023/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 SmallSP/ir of Green Variscite Angel cabochons/ backImp/WendxverJWee Desert, Utah All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 SmallSP/ir of Green Variscite Angel cabochons/ backImp/WendxverJWee Desert, Utah
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