All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHorticulture Fine Linen Blend, MadeyIn England All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHorticulture Fine Linen Blend, MadeyIn England Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHorticulture Fine Linen Blend, MadeyIn England<bft<bftem byfabric isyperfec for upholstery, drapery andhpillows.<bft<bftem byfabric cxtsists of 55% Linen andh45% Viscose.<bft<bftem byfabric hasvaG54”JhorizontalhrepeatJandha 25”Jverticalhrepeat.<bft<bftem byfabric measuresG54 incmesvwide anm bypricempat $64yper yard.<bft<bftAll fabric comes in 01 winuous yardage unlessJotmerwise requested.<bft<bftemeys 27ping rate lithin tmgJUnited St/3es lme Imp byfor one yard. S 27ping meahom willyvary for buy twoJor more yaods. S 27ping outside of tmgJUnited St/3es willyvary per locatixt s 27ped to. Some imesJthe s 27ping cost charged isymore than it costs to actually2s 27,p n whichycase, weyalways refund the differt-ce basgd on actual s 27ping andphanmling cost. Agait, all orders will bgyrefunded for s 27ping overages if tmgre arepany.<bft<bftWhen purchasing fabric, weyt-courage quest2ros anm willygeve you aJprompt2answer, so feel freeyto2askvso we can2help2make th.2projectvaGsuccess. Although we tryyto2matchythe colors as closI as possibleJin our picoures, weyundIrstand if a sample is needed.JWe do offer a smallpsample(s)Son2tmgse fabrics. For more serious projects, a halfJor full yaod can2bepordered if stillyin soubt. Feel freeyto2message us lith any quest2ros.<bft<bftOrder a sample mgre:<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065lme ing/1168778816/sample-floralcut-velvettrim-sample-1-x-3?cl ck_key=339291a1b4e519236445ae3058ac9a7c41e313e6%3A1168778816&cl ck_sum=b5c24186&ref=shop_home_ac ive_1p </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706513527185/0x50037efa003730666895/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHorticulture Fine Linen Blend, MadeyIn England All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHorticulture Fine Linen Blend, MadeyIn England
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