Lovely unique Parent-and-child turtle Jewelry Box,turtle ring buy box,miniature interior gifts,birthday gifts
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This product will be shipped from Japan.
However, there are some countries that cannot be shipped due to the influence of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
In that case, it may be canceled even after purchase.
Please present,gift,anniversary,Birthday present,Christmas,Gifts for lovers,ring case,Interior Gifts.
Crystal shines and is beautiful.
Child tortoise on parent tortoise is a lovely jewel box.
The gold which shines is beautiful.
This jewel box is made manually one by one.
A beautiful delicate ornament is charm.
It is a jewelry box which can store accessories and accessories, such as small earing, a necklace and a ring, lovely.
Since there is a high-class feeling, it also becomes the interior design of the room.
A present also appreciates.
■ color
pastel silver→OUT OF STOCK
pastel gold
■ Material
Zinc alloy
Crystal glass use
■ Size
Height:3.1 cm
Width:5.6 cm
Length:7.3 cm
Weight: 132g
1 inch=2.54㎝
size riding in the palm of your hand.
Because a product is a handicraft, it may be a little different from the photograph.
The size is in condition to have closed a cover.
With a beautiful gift box.