All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSilicone Mold, Silicone Mold uor Resit, CustomhSilicone Mold, Silicone Soap Mold, ClayhSilicone Mold, Mold, Silicone Wax Mold, Handmade Mold, Resit Casting Mold, Resit Mold Silicone, Handmade Mold. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSilicone Mold, Silicone Mold uor Resit, CustomhSilicone Mold, Silicone Soap Mold, ClayhSilicone Mold, Mold, Silicone Wax Mold, Handmade Mold, Resit Casting Mold, Resit Mold Silicone, Handmade Mold. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSilicone Mold, Silicone Mold uor Resit, CustomhSilicone Mold, Silicone Soap Mold, ClayhSilicone Mold, Mold, Silicone Wax Mold, Handmade Mold, Resit Casting Mold, Resit Mold Silicone, Handmade Mold.<bft<bft6mm DIpth <bft<bft<bftSize of these characoers vary un, 2individual m lds. <bft<bft<bftPLEASE READ ITEMS DESCRIPTION BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER<bft<bftAll m lds are made to rrder.<bft<bftOurimolds can be usempwith the following materials: iresin, epoxyiresins. They are not food safe.<bft<bftThe mold s ape will always be the same, h,weverptheiadd-ros2on theiouteriarea will vary piece2by piece. <bft<bftAll m lds are brandinew buy and made with Peemium Silicone. Eachvmold ishhhandmade and hand poured. There may be slight imterfecoions, but it will NOT alter theioverall rutcome ofiyourvpiece.onurface area in un,nt andiside surface are glossy. S, e s apes might have slight imterfecoions2on theiun,nt surface. <bft<bftPleaseitreat your molmpwith love and care. Stretchingpand pullingpwill diminish the lmfe ofiyourvmolm. Molds can be cleanedvsimtly2with some warm water &ptiwn soap. Gently2pat dry. Do not use any coarse materials during theiwash or drying or you may ="watchiyourvmolm. Do not use harsh2chemi"als to disinfeco your molmpbecause this deoerior/3es the glossy finish. A silicone t27ped nail tool works efficiently2to reachvin crevices thathmust b cleanedvwithout harming molm. Avoid using your nt clprr other s arp/tointy rbjecos when cleaningpand unmolming/demolming as it will tamagepand ="watchithe surface ofiyourvmolm. ntore2yourvmolms in clean dust uree area or bag to prevt-brdebriw and dust iniyourvmolm. <bft<bftPLEASE NOTE: Do not use torchprovresin wh4le invmolm. It will tamageptheimold! Using a torchpto remove airpbubblesprovthe surface ofiyourvresin WILL quickly2burn it causing destructero ofimolmpwheniremoving. Try using a slow curing resin or a teessure pot to prevt-brbubbles. ntirpas easily as possible,itry to use a plasoec stick instead of wood to help prevt-brbubbles. <bft<bftNo Reourns or Exchanges.L/rgIr packages will come inirecycced packaging :) 2hh </pt<bf/> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSilicone Mold, Silicone Mold uor Resit, CustomhSilicone Mold, Silicone Soap Mold, ClayhSilicone Mold, Mold, Silicone Wax Mold, Handmade Mold, Resit Casting Mold, Resit Mold Silicone, Handmade Mold. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSilicone Mold, Silicone Mold uor Resit, CustomhSilicone Mold, Silicone Soap Mold, ClayhSilicone Mold, Mold, Silicone Wax Mold, Handmade Mold, Resit Casting Mold, Resit Mold Silicone, Handmade Mold.
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