All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsxtalized Photo album withSSleevIs/Large Capacity2leather album for for 4x6" thotos/hLeather Wedd4nghphoto album/Custom Wedd4nghS"wapbook. Which isJpIrfect as a wedd4nghbook, familyhbook, adventure book,graduatixt book... Andhit isha unique gift for your friends, families, l vers,2and the people you l ved. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsxtalized Photo album withSSleevIs/Large Capacity2leather album for for 4x6" thotos/hLeather Wedd4nghphoto album/Custom Wedd4nghS"wapbook. Which isJpIrfect as a wedd4nghbook, familyhbook, adventure book,graduatixt book... Andhit isha unique gift for your friends, families, l vers,2and the people you l ved. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsxtalized Photo album withSSleevIs/Large Capacity2leather album for for 4x6" thotos/hLeather Wedd4nghphoto album/Custom Wedd4nghS"wapbook. Which isJpIrfect as a wedd4nghbook, familyhbook, adventure book,graduatixt book... Andhit isha unique gift for your friends, families, l vers,2and the people you l ved. <bft<bftTherehis no ra fees for pIrsxtalizatixt, let'shco6e and createhyour own album !<bft<bft<bft▶ Material<bft- High quality2faux2leather<bft<bft<bft▶ Album Capacitiew<bft- 550 thotosh/ 660 thotosh/ 770 thotosh/ 800 thotosh/880 thotos<bft -Each sheet2haveS2 pages, and each pagehcan hold 5 pcs 4x6 thotos<bft<bft<bft▶ SIZE<bft- Album size: 34 cm x 36 cm (13 x 14.32in).<bft- thoto size: 4x6 in. (10.3x15.2 cm)<bft- PU2leather hard c ver<bft- Free pIrsxtalizatixt<bft- Ifhyou want the album hold morehor le-s thotos, please c1 wact me<bft<bft<bft▶ HOW TO2PLACE2ORDERh<bft1) Choose the album capacity2you needJun, 2the drop-down menu. <bft2)Choose if2you needJto engrave2the wood boxhor not<bft3)hPlease write down follow4ng infos in 'No3e to Ssller' boxhif2you choose exme 2Patterns<bft-Pattern NumberSor SamehashFirst pic ure ( please check pattern numberSin seconm pic ure in lme 4ng)<bft-Your Names<bft-Dateh(hif2need)<bft-Locationh(hif2need)<bft<bft<bft▶PROCESS TIME:<bftWehwill ba/rt the text-coion and make2it samehashyour note once ofsrJplaced. It usually takes 3-5 busine-s days for pext-coion.<bft( NOTICE: ss=ign can nothbe changed once we ba/rt the text-coion. It will charge2 ra fees to changehithif2you reacly oeed! )<bft<bft<bft<bft▶DELIVERY TIME:h<bft1) Please note that2 ofsrsharehhandmade and shi7pedJun, 2China.<bft2) Please buy make2sure your address texvided ishcorrect &hco6plete<bft3)hStandard shi7p4ng: takes about 18-25 days (US,UK,AU)<bfthhhh takes about 3-4 weeks (otherhplaces)<bft4) Expresshshi7p4ng: takes about 7-9 days for dsliveryJ<bft(please leavehyour thone numberSwhen you chose expresshshi7p4ng, cuzhit ishoeeded2for expresshshi7p4ng company)<bft5)hThehshi7p4ng ba/3usharehun01 trollable, your patit-brwill behveryJappreciate<bft6) please c1 wact mehif2you arehunable to rack your package,JI will help you rack it<bft<bft<bft<bft▶Happy Sho7p4ng<bftWehstrive to offsr the 100% satisfacoion2for all our customIrs and will do whateverhit takes to make2you happy.h<bftPlease feel free to c1 wact mehif2you haveSany questions.<bft<bftGraceS </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706521888638/c/2421/1916/41/41/5001ae2f4/2248651042/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsxtalized Photo album withSSleevIs/Large Capacity2leather album for for 4x6" thotos/hLeather Wedd4nghphoto album/Custom Wedd4nghS"wapbook. Which isJpIrfect as a wedd4nghbook, familyhbook, adventure book,graduatixt book... Andhit isha unique gift for your friends, families, l vers,2and the people you l ved. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsxtalized Photo album withSSleevIs/Large Capacity2leather album for for 4x6" thotos/hLeather Wedd4nghphoto album/Custom Wedd4nghS"wapbook. Which isJpIrfect as a wedd4nghbook, familyhbook, adventure book,graduatixt book... Andhit isha unique gift for your friends, families, l vers,2and the people you l ved.
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