buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTurkmen wool2handmade tk-wels, vintage tk-wel, ethnic tribal2hanging decoration tk-wel, accessowtes ornaments tk-wel buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTurkmen wool2handmade tk-wels, vintage tk-wel, ethnic tribal2hanging decoration tk-wel, accessowtes ornaments tk-wel Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTurkmen wool2handmade tk-wels, vintage tk-wel, ethnic tribal2hanging decoration tk-wel, accessowtes ornaments tk-wel <bft<bftAllhof our itemshare2handmade. They are texfessextally cleaned and repaired2<bft<bftOrigin is2handwoven un, 2Turkmenistan<bft<bft- Cotton & Wool<bft- 23 X 3 inches2// 60 X 8 cm<bft<bftTURKMEN TASSEL:<bftThey had been used as hair ornaments bypCt-bral Asian women. The silk tk-wels withpbeads and metal workharehcharmingpand they could be used the l/yhthey are as wall2hangings, garmetshsuchhas beltspand could be a gweathtouchhonto ahshawlhorhbelly dance coe ume as well asha ma3erialhsource forhethnic jewellery de=igters.<bft<bftSh27ping:Free Sh27ping W oldwide withpDHL.<bft<bftIf2youhhave any other questiots, feel2free to 01 wacthul hhhhhhh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706525033756/c51397/1110/0x202x5001aa0be/2822498943/508500x500 buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTurkmen wool2handmade tk-wels, vintage tk-wel, ethnic tribal2hanging decoration tk-wel, accessowtes ornaments tk-wel buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTurkmen wool2handmade tk-wels, vintage tk-wel, ethnic tribal2hanging decoration tk-wel, accessowtes ornaments tk-wel
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