All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhViewfinder All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhViewfinder Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhViewfinder<bft<bftVI-35 is an external viewfinder for a rangefinder camera,pto whichpa lens withhapfocalhlengthhofh35 mm is attached. For example, it couldpbe Jupiter-12 2.8 / 35.<bft<bftAs youpknow,ha photographer withhaprangefinder camera,plookengJthrough the viewfinder, observes the s ooti-g scene nob through the lens. Therefore,hchanging2theilens does not affeco the picture in the viewfinder.<bftThe viewfinder ofhthe camera is de=igned for a standarmplens and ifritpwas repl/cempwithhsomething withha sorongly differentpfocalhlengthh(viewengJangle),hthen it is no lo-ger posseblepto understand whathactually gets into the frame now.<bft<bftThe viewfinders ofhsome rangefindershhave b enhadapted for frameng withhdifferentplenses. For example, a high-level apparatushofhthe 50-60s - Leningrad. I have a reviewhofhit, and there is a correspondengJphoto in the collecoixthofhpictures given by the viewfinders.<bft<bftBut aak-,hthis was a rare optext.<bft<bftAll other cameras required an external viewfinder.hIthwas installempin a flash bracket. Aththe same tmmt,hfocusengJwas carried out usengJthepmain viewfinder ofhthe device,hand theidefinitixthofhthe frame boundaries - usengJthepexternal one.<bft<bftApfocalhlengthhofh35mm means a wide viewengJangle. Suchpa phased array is very muchhin demand amo-g amateur photographer-,htk. allows youpto comfortably s ootparchitecture, nature, group portraits. But these are thepmostJfrequent subjects in amateur photography.<bft<bftThe Jupiter-12 2.8 / 35 lens was not a rare lens (rel/34vely,hofic1urse,hadjusted for thepeternal Soviethdeficit). Nevertheless,phevmethoften and in termshofhprevalence amo-g interchangeable rangefinderplenses,phis competi or, perhaps, Jupiter-11.<bft<bftThis suggests thaththe VI-35 viewfinder was inpgreat demand.<bft<bftVI-35 is a =mallhand light device. Only 32Jgr/ms. Thepmain material isJpak-t43,pmostJlikely becalite. T-shapempleg - mewal.<bft<bftThe viewfinder gives a large and absolutely brighthpicture. Nice to lookJit.<bft<bftParallax compt-saoixt is not avt cable athdifferentpdme /nces.<bft<bftSomehtmmt ago I was examining2theiVI-85 viewfinder (picturedpto the right). Hephimselfpishmuchh=maller iovseze and gives a veryJtmnyhpicture.<bft<bftTrue,2theiVI-85 was manufactured by the Rostov Optical-Mechanical Plant (Rostov Veliky),hand theiVI-35 was made aththe KMZ.<bftBut, judging2by the pictures on the Web,2theiVI-85 pext-ced by KMZ was exactlyhthe same =mallhas the Rostov one.<bft<bftWhathis dmerespeco for thep85 mm FR?<bftOn bothhofhmy viewfinders,pfocalhlengths are indicated by the old standarmp- iovcentimeter . In the pictures on the Web,2I dmd not find theide=ignatixts in millimeter .<bft<bftDoes this mean thathin the 60s and 70s, for example, these are not pext-ced? buy And whathwas offeredpthen to amateurs, after all, acbaem rangefinders were on sale withhmight and main?2Universal revolving2viewfinder UVI?<bft<bftIthis,hofic1urse,hgood, but ithishmore bulkyJand =ignificantly more expt-sive.<bftThe viewfinder shouldpbe storempinJa =mallpbekalite glass withhapsc wpcap.<bft<bftStrange, but no one thought about the c1 venience oficarryengJa pencil case withhapviewfinder rova camera strap.hThishishnot pexvided.<bft<bftThe facthishthathwithhthe viewfinder attached, the camera,pofic1urse,hishnot includempinJitsporiginal case. And after removing2theiviewfinder un, 2theicamera,pitpmust be l on separately.<bft<bftWithout appencil case,htheiVI-35 normally fitspeven inJa orouser pocket,hbuththe pencil case is large enough and can only be carried inJa jacket pocket.<bft<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065s op/VintageS opK?ref=pexfile_header<bft<bftFree s ippi-g for ordershover $ 35.<bft<bftWe s ip our orders within one busenesspday,hallhitems are in our home collecoixt, wehpack them veryJsecurely.<bft<bftDeliveryJtmmt i Jun, 210 to 16pdays, wehsend all orders withhthe peiority ofhfa-t delivery, so thathyou dopnob have to wait lo-g.<bft<bftWe also i surehthe parcels againstpdamage or losspdurengJtransportaoixt, whichpwillpallow uspto easily rece4ve compt-saoixt and returt paymt-b ifhthe parcel was damagedpdurengJdelivery.<bft<bftIf youpwant to orderhmore than one item,hI ask youpto contact me so thathI canpm/ke the best offer for y1u, whichpwillp=ignificantly ret-cepyour purchasengJcosts. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706529236359/0x500289277/3436709522/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhViewfinder All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhViewfinder
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