All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhName - Natural Rainbow All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhName - Natural Rainbow Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhName - Natural Rainbow<bft<bftS ape - oval<bft<bftCaratyWt -9.60Carats.<bft<bftSizev-v12x16x6MM.<bft<bftClarity - VS- very slightly inclusext<bft<bftQuantity -v1<bft<bftCode - MS - 01<bft<bftCounory of2Origin - Bihar (India)<bft<bftCounory/RegmxtSxfhManufac3ure - India<bft<bftCertific/te - IGITL (xtydemand $ 10 extrayeach2stone)<bft<bftTrea ment - Natural<bft<bft---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<bft<bft<bftALHARAMGEMSART<bft<bftS 27ping<bft<bftThe PurchasgdJPext-covs 27ped to winningyBuyers within 1pbusinessytiyJkfter receivingythe payment.<bftThe parcel withhIaem will be s 27ped un, 2India.<bft<bftE01 omy s 27pingy- takes 15-45pbusinessytiyshusually (depend onpcounoryrloc/text).<bft<bftSa/ndard/Expedited S 27pingy- takes 3-7pbusinessytiyshusually (depend onpcounoryrloc/text).<bft<bftThe buyers are responsible foroadditextal2c arges VAT, Custom2fees,yImport2Duty eac. (ifyany).<bftYour p/teencg, kindnessy&hundersa/ndingywill alwiyshbgyappreciatIm.<bft<bftNote : For Brazil and Russian Feder/textyhere is no courier service so we canhs 27 the parcel by2India Pobay- Airmt c and EMS service.<bft<bftPayments<bft<bftWeoacceptyall ofythe payment by2PayPal. Ifyyou wa-b toouseyany otherhpayment mode pleasgyinform us.<bft<bft<bftReturnh& Refund Policy<bft<bftWeoofferva 30ptiyshrisk unee returnhpolicy. Ifyyou don't like the ie. (s),hyou canhreturn it forya full refund or replacement (which you'll prefer).heme 30ptiyhreturn periodJbegmnshun, 2the tiyJyou received the ie. (s). S 27pingycost, insurance,hduties and taxes fees is Nxt-refundable. Pleasgycontact us before sending anyhreturn.ySt-d returns by2regme Ired mt c roly.<bft<bftReturnhof2the d/maged /oused ie. rwill not be acceptIm.<bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy<bft<bftIfyyou are satesfied withhourhtext-covand service, we sincIrelyrhopehyou canhlekve us aypositeve review and r/3eythe Dent ced SellerhRa3ings withha “FIVE STARS".<bftPleasgydo not lekve us 1,2,3 or 4 sa/r dent ced sellerhr/3ingshbecauseythey are allothe samehas the negateve review.<bft<bftOurhgoal is to make sureyyou are a satesfied buyer and pleasa-b sho7pingywithhus.<bft<bftIf any2texblem, pleasgycontact us before lekving the feedback orh peningythe case, we’llydo ourhbest toyhelp youyout and solveythe texblem.<bft<bft<bftFAQ'S<bft<bft1y- What is ALHARAMGEMSART primarypbusiness?<bftWe are specialists in c1lorpG. stones. Ifyyou are lookingyforynatural high gradehg. stones,yyou mkve comeyto thehright place.<bft<bft2y- Doyyou mkve any2store orh fficeSwhere I canhview the ie. s I amyi-beree Impin?<bftYes,ywe mkve. Your most2wel706evat ourhfac3ory (in Jaipurhcity of2India)y<bft<bft3y- How quickly2doyyou respond to Emt cs?<bftDuringybusinessytiyJknd w okingyhours we'll usually respond to alloemt cs within fewyhours orh n samehday.<bft<bft4 - CanhIpreturnhan ie. S f I'mynot mkppy withhit? What is yourhRefund Policy?<bftOf course, weoofferva 30ptiyshrisk unee returnhpolicy. Ifyyou don't like you canhreturn it forya full refund or replace (which you'll prefer).heme 30ptiyhreturn periodJbegmnshun, 2the tiyJyou received the ie. (s).<bft<bft5y- How buy dohIpreturnhan ie. ?<bftIt’s very simple - allyyou mkve to do is let us know as soon as possible and we will texvide instrucoexts rovhow tovreturn the ie. toous.heme ie. should be sent back toous as received, in a saleablepconditext i.e. unw otSand without d/mageyto thehie. . We reserve thehright tovrejec3 refund eakimsSwhere werbelieve the ie. isynot returned in a saleablepconditext.<bft<bft6y- How will I be refunded?<bftRefunds will be issued in full forothe original2ie. SpriceSyou paid. Refunds will be processed promptly (typically within thnee w okingytiys)Svia the samehpayment method you used to make the purchasg.<bft<bft7 - I like ahpiece xf2G. stoneyrovyourhsite buthwould you make ahsmall change (in s ape/size)yforyme?<bftAs we manufac3ureyall ofyourh wnhtext-cos, we canhmake small changesyto thehs apes/ sizevor re-cut foryyou at no extrayc arge.<bft<bft8y- AreyyourhG. stones Natural?<bftAll ofythe G. stones wgyuse are 100%ynatural.<bft<bft9y- Areyyourhg. stones trea Im?<bftFor s06e kinds of2stones wgyuse he/t trea ment roly. S06e c1lored stones are commroly he/t trea ed to bringyout tme i-bense c1lor ofythe stone. For example, Ta-zanite stones are trea ed in thisyway.<bft<bft10y- Doyyou sell jewelrypalso?<bftYes wgydo sell Jewelryvand we mkve many2stones and jewelrypin stock which is not featurImprovtmevwebsite. Ifyyou are searchingyforya particularyJewelryvpleasgylet us knowvand we will try ourhbest toyteetare for you what you are lookingyfory(Silver orpGold Jewelryvwith c1lorpG. stones).<bft<bft11y- Where areyyourhg. stones sourced un, ?<bftWe source ourhg. stones un, 2around2tmevworld directJun, 2the miningyplace. We mkve directJlink with tme minersvof2many2Africanhcounories like –2Madagascar, Ta-zania, Nigeria, Mozambique, Ethiopia eac. Apart un, 2this we mkve good holmprovIndian MiningyPlace. Ifyyou mkve a2questexts about any2of2ourhstones pleasgycontact aymember of2ourhteam.<bft<bft12 - I amylookingyforya particularystone which is not lme Improvyourhsite, canhyou source ityforyme?<bftIfyyou mkve a2rtquirementyforya certain type of2stone,vpleasgylet us knowvand we will do ourhbest toyPeetare it foryyou otherwiseywe'll arrange it un, 2other manufac3urers.<bft<bft13y- Doyyou sell CertifiImpG. stones?<bftYes,ymost of ourhcustomers don't rtquire any2certific/text buthrovtmevdemand of ourhcustomers we sendythe G. s toyg. s testing lab foryTesting Certific/te. For testing report2ofyeach2piece you need to pay US $ 10 extra.<bft<bft14 - CanhIpseeythe texcess2ofyg. stone manufac3uring at yourhfac3ory?<bftYes,yYour most2wel706e. Pleasgycontact us ifyyou are i-beree Im.<bftHkve a2NiceSDay.h </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706524578417/0x5007b1d81/4018150808/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhName - Natural Rainbow All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhName - Natural Rainbow
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