All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside.<bfth<bftNot all buy ueathIrs are tIrfect as tmey are packedSbyyweightyandy hey will require some airing or steaming toymake sure tmeyueathIrs to sp d rut 100%. Garmt-brsteameryworks well with ueathIrs tmatphasvbeen packedSor squished. Some trimming on2tme tip of thgyueathIrs mightpalso be neededydepending on2your p ference.hAll ueathIrs vary in2shapes andysizes.h<bfth<bftTme width of thgsgyueathIrs make thI 2anJartist favorite for painting or drawing on. emerstiffnessyof the quill makes ie a tIrfect ueathIr for quill pens. emey are also 706monly used toymake lifepsize angel andycosplay wings. You c/n also use thgsgyueathIrs forpcrafting, headdress, fletching, costume andyso muchpmore <bfth<bftWholesalevand quantityydiscount byavt cable on thgsgywholesalevse01 dary turkey wing ueathIrs. emey are iovstock andy dyyforpimmediate sh27ment <bfth<bftPleasgynooe that dyedyueathIrs may vary saightly inpcolor as a resultyof being inpdifferentpdye lots. hAlthrugh thgpdifferences s ould only be saight,vpleasgy01ntac3 usSifyyou need the colorsptoymatch.o </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655613210/0x500642bff/2046558841/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside.
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