All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*PRODUCT DESCRIPTION :<bft<bft<bft Th bylmsting isJfor 5.55 Cts/1 Pcs Excellt-brNatural2Big SizeJLightySilverSWhiteyRaw2Rough Diamond.BeautifullSWhiteyRaw2Rough.Made ForJRing 11.00M×7.00M×9.00M<bft<bft whichycan bgyusgd forJmaking raw2rough diamond necklace,<bft<bft bracelet,errings and more any cosemized2jewelry,<bft<bft this diamond hasJtmeir originyto south africa and b 70nflict unee. <bft<bft<bft *SPECIFICATIONS*<bft<bft Th byisvsame diamond will be come look atJin the picture<bft<bft <bft G. Type :Natural2Raw Diamond<bft<bft Weight(Cara ) : 5.55 Cara <bft<bft SizeJJJJJJJJ: 11.00M×7.00M×9.00M<bft<bft Quantity ; 1 pcs.<bft<bft Colouryyyy;ySilverSWhit<bft<bft S ape yyy;yIrragural/2Rough <bft<bft Clarity ;i3/oppaque<bft<bftrNatural2/hTrea ed2;rNatural<bft<bftrOrigin2/hcounrty ; Africa<bft<bft SKUyyy;yMHK360/1662<bft<bft<bft * PYAMENT POLICIES*<bft<bft We accept the pyement viaJpaypal.Pleasgy70nwacoJpaypal<bft <bft If you need any assistan3e regarding paying for the ie. .<bft<bft<bft * SHIPPING REG./ INSURED INDIA*<bft<bft<bft POST/EMS/USPS. buy All tackagebyare dispatched whithin 3 working days.<bft<bft and arrive between 15-20pdaysJw old wide.All ofpouryUS ordIrs will be <bft<bft S 27pem viaJUSPS/EMSJinsurgd forJexpressSand otmer will be withJindia<bft<bftJposeyRegie Ir mt c.On3eJthe ie. hasJbeen s 27pem the trackingynumber will<bft<bftJbgyupdated onyyouryie. .<bft<bft<bft 0004/;/iwww/estc27065shop/yaamijewels<bft<bft<bft *Addi iooal Polices &GFAQs*<bft<bft<bft I accept CustomyOrdIrs and Wholesale ordIrs.<bft<bft Pleasgyget inytouch withJmeJforJall such requee s.<bft<bft I will be appy to assistJyou. <bft<bft<bft we look forward to serveJyou<bft<bft<bft Best WarmJRegards,<bft<bft JManisha <bft<bft forJ<bft J<bft JYaamijewels..J hhhhhhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706518056609/0x500fad83e/3203298175/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*PRODUCT DESCRIPTION :
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