Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade to order. We've2allhseen thishsymbol warning ushof the danger of a powt-biallyhpoisonous subba/nce. Totiy, thishsymbol has been made famous byhpop culture a-d pirates! It'w okiy, warn others tohstay away and save thishlittle2treat forhyour very own! Stitch thishflask canval a-d cweatehan unusual2gift idea,pand dot't forget tohpersxtalize it withpa monogram. The two imageshshownpare un,-bhand backhte=igt.
Skull buy a-dhCrossbones Needlepoi-t Flask DIY Kit.