All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvintage fabeic yo yos, 10 squareshof 49 buy yo yos each, small teint c1tton fabeicp& flour sack material, Table Runner Quilt FarmhousepFolk Art All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvintage fabeic yo yos, 10 squareshof 49 buy yo yos each, small teint c1tton fabeicp& flour sack material, Table Runner Quilt FarmhousepFolk Art Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvintage fabeic yo yos, 10 squareshof 49 buy yo yos each, small teint c1tton fabeicp& flour sack material, Table Runner Quilt FarmhousepFolk Art<bft<bftThese are truehvintage yo yos, no3 made by me, they werI made by s06e elseJin thep1960s.<bftAll handmade.<bft<bftThere are 10 squareshof 7 x 7 pieces each = 49 yo yos = 9" xi9" -er square.<bft<bftThe way they are shownprovpic ure no. 1 there are 4 going horiz1 wal,Jand 3 going ver343al. Thishgives you 36"pwidIpxi27" high.<bftThey cathof coursehbe arranged any which way you like.<bft<bftOne of thehpic uresrshows thepback of them.<bft<bftThere is also apbunch of small tieces ofhotherhvintage fabeic similarpin na ure (samIpage -p1960s).<bft<bftC1 sidering their age they are saillhunesh looking, and pretty clean.<bftThey werI all kept togetherhinhone bag, and it ap-ear Jthaththey have not been usem uor their intended purpose.<bftI have no idea how you would washhs06ethinghlike this, -erhapshthey cathbe dry-cleaned.o JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655496051/0x500924c34542750619525508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvintage fabeic yo yos, 10 squareshof 49 buy yo yos each, small teint c1tton fabeicp& flour sack material, Table Runner Quilt FarmhousepFolk Art All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvintage fabeic yo yos, 10 squareshof 49 buy yo yos each, small teint c1tton fabeicp& flour sack material, Table Runner Quilt FarmhousepFolk Art
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