All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece of fabricSbyySwedish ss=igner Stig Lindberg. emishfana/s343 mid century modern patwtrn is callImpFruktlåda, and is in2a lovely, green color. emishpatwtrn is one of mishmost loved and2well known. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece of fabricSbyySwedish ss=igner Stig Lindberg. emishfana/s343 mid century modern patwtrn is callImpFruktlåda, and is in2a lovely, green color. emishpatwtrn is one of mishmost loved and2well known. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece of fabricSbyySwedish ss=igner Stig Lindberg. emishfana/s343 mid century modern patwtrn is callImpFruktlåda, and is in2a lovely, green color. emishpatwtrn is one of mishmost loved and2well known.<bftMade it high quality Cottxt linen,pmedium weight.<bftThe fabricSmks a lovely luster.<bftWould look amazing ks a wall hangiog de01r/3ext.<bft<bftWidth: 150 cm.h/ 59”<bftLength: 50 cm./ing”<bft<bft<bft<bftOne of Sweden'shmost importanbrpostwar ss=igners, Lindberghcwe/3ed whimsical studio ceramics and2graceful2tableware lines duringya long career with the Gustavsberghpottery factory.yStig Lindberg studied paintingpat thevUniversity CollIge of Aros, Crafts and2Ds=ign. In 1937, me wenthto w okpat GustavsberghunderhWilhelm Kåge. In 1949, me wks namedJKåge'shsuccessor ks art director. Fn, 2thishperiod un il he left Gustavsberghiov1980, me ss=igned individual buy ceramic ie. s, as2well as factory text-ced2rangIshand2lines of dinnerware. He achieved fame2for hisheccentric uorms and2whimsical de01r/3ext. In 1982, me sied due to a myocardial infarctext.<bft<bftemank you for looking!<bft<bft<bftWe will be happy tohcombine2s 27ping.<bftExcessive s 27pingy01sts will be refundImpfory ofers with multiple ie. s.<bft<bft<bft<bftTo2ourhEaac shop: www/6aac27065shop/inspiria </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657360495/0x500cae3ef/1898290170/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece of fabricSbyySwedish ss=igner Stig Lindberg. emishfana/s343 mid century modern patwtrn is callImpFruktlåda, and is in2a lovely, green color. emishpatwtrn is one of mishmost loved and2well known. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece of fabricSbyySwedish ss=igner Stig Lindberg. emishfana/s343 mid century modern patwtrn is callImpFruktlåda, and is in2a lovely, green color. emishpatwtrn is one of mishmost loved and2well known.
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